If you are thinking of making changes to your home at Smith Mountain Lake, here are the rest of Patricia Tomaskovics’ tips to consider before beginning those renovations.
Should you hire a professional?
If you do decide that your home improvement job is beyond your abilities or if the job will require a professional, then investigate thoroughly. The news is full of stories of people being scammed by unethical contractors or just folks pretending to be a contractor. Get some recommendations from your family and friends. This is also where those bids you obtained will come in handy. Be wary of those bids that are extremely high or extremely low. Chances are that you are either paying too much or perhaps you will get what you delivered for in the case of a lowball figure. Ask for references from the contractor.
Do you need a building permit?
You will need to check with your city or county to obtain any required permits depending on the type of work. Find out what work your city requires a professional to complete. Find out about requirements for zoning. Some work will be governed by zoning or setback restrictions. This aspect of home improvement can take some time. Apply in advance of the job so that you have the permit before your projected date to begin the project.
Some final notes
So, you have answered all the questions and done all of your homework. Now you are ready and eager to start your project. Here are some final considerations to help the job go smoothly.
Gather the necessary tools and materials.
Assemble all of the necessary materials and tools that you will use ahead of time. Check and double-check to see that you have everything that the job requires. There is nothing more frustrating or time-consuming than getting into the project and then having to stop and run to the hardware store because you ran out of finished nails or your tool kit is missing a saw blade that you need. Some of the tools you may require include a miter saw, drill, nailer, or router. Have your materials and fixtures nearby or schedule delivery to coincide with your projected date to begin work.
Coordinate the project.
If you are tearing off a roof, order the dumpster ahead of time. Meet with contractors and other professionals as required, for any larger jobs. Schedule deliveries to coordinate with contractors scheduled. It can be a real juggling act for the homeowner.
Personal considerations.
Take frequent breaks from the job as needed, especially if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed. Don’t think of restrictions as hindrances. Consider them helpful in sorting out all of the seemingly limitless possibilities for your home improvement task. Obtain financing ahead of time. You do not want to have everything ready to go with no means of paying for it. Consider the design elements of your home or project. Also, consider help with lifting heavy objects. If you physically injure yourself, your job will be postponed until you have recovered. Just something to keep in mind.
You have plenty to consider regarding your DIY project. Remember, this can be fun if you are prepared. Always remember the result. Since you have planned for problems all along the way, nothing should come out of left field to bowl you over. Revel in the sense of accomplishment when your project, no matter how large or small, is completed. Good luck!
About the Author:
Patricia Tomaskovic
Patricia Tomaskovic is the President of http://www.goceilingmedallion.com. Copyright 2005. Visit us soon and register for the monthly drawing. We look forward to serving you. We are an online store offering home decorating products, specializing in ceiling medallions and crown molding, as well as numerous other decorative ceiling items, including tools and supplies for creating your custom ceilings.