Summer is not quite over, but the kids are back in school and teachers and college students are hard at work. So while we may not be quite ready to relinquish warm weather, the season has begun its transition. Instead of vacations, we are thinking about ball games, band practice, and maybe weekend camp-outs. Not quite ready to winterize the boat and water toys, but that will soon be on the list of projects as we soon start changing seasons.
Thankfully at Smith Mountain Lake, we can enjoy the beautiful views all winter long and many fishing enthusiasts can be found on the water every month of the year. I am told some types of fishing are better in cooler weather. It has been a strange year weather-wise with so much rain and unusual humidity. Many of us are hoping for a more normal fall with warm days and cool evenings and perhaps not slogging through any mud for a time.
Changing seasons is a wonderful thing. They give us a chance to slow down and reflect on where we have been and where we are and plan for where we want to be. It gives us a change of scenery as well. In the next month or so there will no longer be a need to mow the lawn or weed the garden, so we can enjoy the leaves beginning to change color, design our cool weather flower beds, and such.
At SML September brings a new set of fun events and activities, more than there is even room to mention here. Things like Franklin County Civil War Days, Wine Festivals, Rock the Block Music (a variety of concerts incl. gospel, contemporary, folk, etc.), Antique Farm Days, Alpaca Farm Days and so much more. (Check out the Calendar of Events Here). Every season at the lake is full of things to appreciate and enjoy…… have a wonderful September!