Do you have your piece of Smith Mountain Lake Real Estate? Or perhaps you are considering a purchase of some beautiful lakefront property there. No matter whether you are a real estate agent, an SML property/homeowner, or a prospective buyer, we have a website you will love.
It is a blog on everything a buyer (or owner or seller) would want to know about property at Smith Mountain Lake. Paul Moore, the author of a book called ‘The Definitive Guide To Smith Mountain Lake Real Estate’, puts up regular posts on the subject of real estate from a practical perspective.
Did you need to know about the layout of the lake itself? Or maybe you need to know what specific characteristics make Smith Mountain Lake property valuable. Whether it’s general facts or very specific details about buying and selling, you will find those issues addressed on this website. The posts are very readable, and interesting, and are updated often, so if you have an interest in SML real estate for any reason go to and leave us a comment to tell us what you think.