The Smith Mountain Lake Chamber of Commerce is now collecting applications for the new 2011 SML license plate. They must receive 350 prepaid applications by July 1st to qualify for the plates. (Before other requirements can be implemented and the state begins production and distribution of the Smith Mountain Lake license plates begins.)
The plates will require about 8 months in production. We are striving for completion by Fall 2011. To receive a DMV/SML Chamber application, contact the SML Chamber office at 540-721-1203 or email them at Complete the DMV/SML Chamber application and return it with a check (no cash, please) made out to “SMLRCC” in the amount of $10. Bring by or mail your application and check to the Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce, 16430 Booker T. Washington Highway, Moneta, VA 24121 to be added to the list of 350. If they do not collect 350 prepaid applications by the deadline, you will receive a refund.
SML License Plate Frames – Now on Sale for $2.99! Anyone can purchase one for themselves at “Gifts Ahoy”, “Bridgewater Marina”, “Print-n-Paper” and “The General Store”. For more information call the SML Chamber at 540-721-1203