The striped bass fishing at Smith Mountain Lake is certainly one of the best in Virginia, as a quick count of the number of fishing boats out on any given morning will tell you, and there are probably very few residents who haven’t wet a line or two in pursuit of stripers. But for most of us “the big one” is always just one cast away . . . if that describes your trophy fishing experience, or if you’re interested in picking up some tips from the professionals to really improve your catch, then there is good news! Captain Travis Fitzgerald, the owner of Pointrunner’s Striper Guide Service and a well-known Smith Mountain Lake guide, has the secrets you need to take your striper fishing to a whole new level. At his Blackwater Big Game School of Sportfishing, you have the opportunity to learn from the best guides and fishermen anywhere.
To quote Captain Fitzgerald’s website:
Specializing in live bait fishing for big game striped bass, this school is the first premier sport-fishing school in the county. Stop wasting your time in areas that don’t hold Big Game Fish, quit trying techniques that don’t produce results…This premier on-the-water school specializes in big game tactics for the ultimate striped bass on a fully rigged and equipped 23’ Polar Center Console.
Don’t waste any time! Now’s the time to be out on the water with a rod in hand, so go ahead and give the school a call at 540-836-0145. You can also visit their website here for information about registering for classes – but be prepared to catch more stripers than you ever have before!