Take a look at a few of the current happenings at Smith Mountain Lake. The items on this list are a few more serious kinds of activities than usual, but well worth participating in. Take a morning or afternoon this month and do something of a thoughtful nature with the family or on your own.
BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Meets second Mondays at 6:30 p.m. American Cancer Society Discovery Shop, 400 Scruggs Road, Moneta. Mark Hurley, (540) 774- 2716.
‘Veterans Day Ceremony’ – Monday, November 12, 2007, At 10:00:00 A.M. Take time to honor all who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces during this special event. The program includes music, guest speakers, and recognition of all veterans. Admission fees are suspended from 10:00 a.m. until noon. http://www.dday.org
Log Homes – Jack Hutslar offers a free log home buyer workshop on the second Saturday of every month from 10 to 11:15 a.m. at Dairy Queen on Virginia 616 in Moneta. Reservations recommended. Jack Hutslar, (800) 767-4916 or Jack@naysi.com. www.LogHomesByJack.com.
Bible Study – For men, women, and children (infants through sixth grade). Meets Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Halesford Baptist Church, 2485 Lost Mountain Road, Wirtz. To register, call (540) 721-9338.
Designer luncheon presented by SML Garden Club. Floral creations on display by Bill Core of The Showplace in Rocky Mount. $21 ticket includes lunch and entrance into drawing for masterpieces created by Core at the event. Raffle tickets are available for other prizes. Nov. 13. 11:30 a.m. The Water’s Edge Country Club, Penhook. To purchase tickets, call Jo Powell at (540) 576-1561.
‘Booker T. Washington Book Club’ – Saturday, November 10, 2007, At 10:00 AM. “The Negro Problem” by Booker T. Washington: African American leaders at the turn of the 20th century discuss their philosophies on becoming full citizens in the United States.