It’s not every day you have a chance to win $500 at Smith Mountain Lake. But if you or your friends (or your company) have any artistic design ability, you can enter the contest to design the advertising poster for the upcoming film “Lake Effects” and win $500!
Here are the basic details (link for more info. at the bottom):
In keeping with SML Lake Effects LLC’s community spirit and Life Out Loud Films’ desire to provide new opportunities for talent, they are searching for someone to design the poster for the film. (The final winning Art must meet the approval of L.A. distributors to qualify.)
Here are the rules:
- Contest is open to all levels of experience, individuals or groups, as well as companies.
- SML Lake Effects, LLC has the right to suggest adjustments to any submitted art.
- Winner selected by SML Lake Effects must pass the Distributor’s approval to qualify for the cash prize of $500. This may require additional changes to the submitted art.
- All submissions must be received by noon EST on April 4 in a .jpg file.
- By submitting, all contestants grant SML Lake Effects the rights to use the poster images in all media; and the winning poster will become the property of SML Lake Effects and may be used as the Key Art by the film and all related Marketing/Publicity.
How to register?
- Send an email to subject line: Poster Contest.
- Include your name, phone, and email address
- Upon receipt of the email, you will be entered and you will receive an email with the high-resolution copies of the reference photos you can use in the art as well as some more specifics on the theme, images, and story. Please allow up to 24 hours for this return email.
More information is available online at: